Chapter 6 "A table of history that begins to move

 Rewind Time goes back a little at the place is Willeron Palace, Kingdom of Natra.

A certain annual event was held in one room there.

"Are you the ones who have been promoted this time? "

It is Prince Wayne Salema Arbalest who sits in the upper seat and His assistant, Ninym Ralei, is on the side, and it is Wayne that the eyes of these two people are gazed.

Two men kneeling in front of the him.

“You may greet His Royal Highness,” Ninym prompted, one man responded with tension.

"My name is Crovis and I am new member of the prestigious Royal Guard. It’s an honor and privilege for me to stand
before the countenance of His Royal Highness...!”"

When the man who called himself Crovis said so, he gently exhaled relief from what he could say without stagnation.

The man next to him began his own introduction

"“I-I will be researching f-farming methods, and... Oh no, no, I'm sorry! My name is saloMon ...! "

You idiot, thought Crovis turned pale.                                        Salomon also turns deep blue and prostrate deeply.

He failed to give his name in front of the real leader of a country. It is a reasonable reaction But Wayne gently said to calm them down.

"Salomon, I've heard your story. its said you're are studying farming in the Kingdom of Cavaline. I also read some of the research reports submitted. Continuous cropping disorder in arid areas and its early improvement Consideration. It was quite interesting. "

“Th-thank you...!” Salomon trembles either with joy or tension. 

Wayne looks next to it.

"crovis was the younger brother of Karlman, who also belongs to the Kingdom Army."

"huh, do you know my brother ...?" Clovis jolted. Karlmann was a common soldier. Clovis never dreamed the crown prince would ever

"He fought in the war against Marden since I was regent Isn't it? I'm glad that his younger brother also has been compelled to join us.. "

"What ... what... it's a wasteful word ...!" Shivering with emotion, Crovis even wept at the corners of his eyes.

Wayne tells these two people."“People are the foundation of a nation.
Especially now, when we’re progressing so rapidly. I look forward to your service.”

"" Y-yes Sir! ""

No other politician to walk this earth was so great.That's my destiny, To serve this person wonderful Crovis and Salomon bowed with conviction.


"you know what……"

As soon as the interview was over, Ninym sighed at Wayne's nasty smile.

"Already, you was a lord who seemed to have high virtue, just moments ago."

"My magnanimity is expensive stuff. I gotta use it sparingly,” Wayne laughs, shrugging his shoulders.

"After all, it's effective, this I love this ‘More Loyalty Meet-and-Greet’ plan'!" Even after becoming regent, Wayne made some conventions.

One of them was an interview with Wein for prospective employees, regardless of job or rank.

Whether or not to hire is left to the personnel officer, and unless there is a special case,he interview with Wein wouldn’t change their employment status. 

So what does this convention mean?

"We have to protect our brand as the royal family! by talking to them. The desire for approval and the consciousness of being a member of Natra have sprung up! Nothing like a loyal heart to shackle a vassal "

In short, it was part of the performance.

"You know, most people wouldn’t dare say that out loud, Wayne." Ninym said, offering her candid advice, but she couldn’t argue with the outcome.

Often, there is distance between the royal family and the common people. At best, people could hope to catch a distant glance at the royalty during ceremonies and festivals. Vassals working in the palace might have more opportunities to see the royal family but only the highest in rank would be able to exchange words
with them

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