the genius prince vol 9: ch 7


“Please pardon me.”

"Then, please allow me to call you Ninym-dono. As someone who supports each other's lords, I really wanted to talk to you."

“..... very well."

It's supposed to be inconspicuous, but it's an unexpected development. But this can't be helped. Thinking that a conversation with Kamil might provide useful information, Ninym decides to be his talking partner until Wayne returns.


"Do you know about the signing ceremony that will soon be held at the Urves Union?"

Wayne nodded slightly at Agata's words.

“I heard that once every ten years, the representatives of the cities get together to discuss various issues.”

"Yes. Any city that joins the coalition has the right to withdraw from the coalition at the signing ceremony, according to the founding principle of equal authority for all cities."

But you wouldn't actually withdraw from the union, would you?" Wayne questioned.

"As far as I can tell, the four cities' industries are interdependent and their economies are in a tight knot. If they leave, the three remaining cities will either invade or bankrupt their economies."

The signing ceremony has long since become an occasion for each city to demonstrate its power.

Many citizens are said to regard the signing ceremony as a once-in-a-decade celebration rather than an important ceremony to decide the future of the city.

"You are right" Agata nodded and then continued. "But that was a while ago."


Wayne's eyes lit up with interest as he looked at Agata with a hint of unease in them.

"Prince, what do you think is the most important thing in maintaining the Union?"

"Equal power" Wayne answered immediately.

“you can just form a coalition when both side share a common enemy, it will work. But maintaining the coalition is a different story. Go. If there is a difference in power, the distortion will accelerate as time goes by."

Agata nodded deeply at this, "Exactly the same phenomenon is about to occur in the Ulves Union."

"What do you mean?"

“The eastern capital of Muldu has long been the gateway to the Union. Most of the traffic coming in and out of the city passes through here. For Muldu, which has no significant industry, this was its value. However, in recent decades, with the advancement of shipbuilding technology and the development of sea routes, the inflow of people and goods from the western capital of Roynock has been increasing.” Agata continues. “So did the southern city of Facrita, with its fertile lands. Improved agricultural methods have greatly increased the yield of agricultural products. And yet, they are increasingly using the western city of Roynock for their exports."

“I see”, Wayne understands.

The southern capital with increased yields. The southern capital, which has increased its harvest, and the western capital, which has made large-volume exports possible. The relationship between the two cities must be a honeymoon. And since ancient times, regions with strong trade have become richer. The purpose of the West and the South is to unify.

“Is unification the goal of the West and the South ?”

"Eventually, that's what we're looking at, but it's not realistic to get there in a single step. First of all, they will take steps step by step, for example, to drive me away and make the one who has taken his breath the representative of the eastern capital."

"Even though you are the representative and the holy saint, your position is not absolute."

"Yes, it is true that the representative has a lot of power, but he needs the support of many influential people to stay in that position, and if he loses support, he will be ousted. His status as a Chosen saint is also attached to his position as the representative of muldu."

Agata is an holy saint because he is the external face of the Ulves Union, and if he ceases to be the representative of the eastern capital, he must necessarily hand over his status as an holy saint to his successor.

"...... If I were in a position to lead the East City, don't bring the North City into it."

The East probably really wants to mix with the honeymoon relationship between the South and the West. However, since they do not have the cards to make this happen, they have to come up with the next best thing. The next best solution would be to join forces with the northern capital to equalize the power relations between the two federations.

Agata, however, rejects this idea. " That one is impractical. The North Capital Altie has bad feelings toward Muldu ...... No, they have animosity toward the Union itself."

"That's also surprising. Why?"

“ About 20 years ago, a representative of the northern capital at that time was executed along with his family for being a sympathizer with other countries. The three remaining capitals took advantage of this and included hereditary succession as one of the conditions for becoming a city representative. The northern capital, whose family had been destroyed, was naturally unable to produce a representative.”

"...... That's it."

A coalition is formed by a council of representatives. Paradoxically, if the representatives could not be elected, they could not participate in the council.

" The three capitals have decided to oppress the northern capitals in order to enrich themselves."

It is needless to say how the people of the northern capital must have felt as they watched the unfavorable treaties pile up in the absence of their representatives. Resentment and bitterness are natural. They may even want to withdraw from the Union.

"But if they actually leave, they will be attacked by the three cities and really devoured, so they have to accumulate anger and discontent.

- Haha, --I guess they don't like you. Moreover, you’re getting what you deserve." Wayne casually observe.

"If you allow me to make an excuse.”

"It was west and North that led, even if you did not intend to do that to yourself? Don't let me down too much."

"...Well, that was a gaffe. Forget it."

Wayne gave a small shrug before continuing. " I understand what you're saying. The western and southern capitals are getting stronger, the northern capitals are getting hostile, and it's getting harder and harder to get along. Even if there were no foreign troubles, we would die from internal troubles alone.”

" That is why I have invited you, Prince Wayne," Agata's voice became more mysterious.

“The first thing to do is to establish a relationship between the western and southern capitals. First, I will crack the relationship between the western and southern capitals. To do so, I need your help and your exceptional talents.”

Agata bowed straight to Wayne, who was almost two times younger than him. It is not every day that a representative of a country goes to such lengths, even if it is out of the public eye, and a normal human being would be afraid to do so.

"...... It makes sense to divide the West from the South." But, of course, it is not Wayne who is bonded to such a thing.

“The two capitals are a threat because they are working together, but they are potentially rivals if they want to unify with their own capitals at the top. There is a potential for the two to fall out, and there will be opportunities for them to take advantage of. But what can I, an outsider, do?”

Wayne is a visitor from abroad. He has a lot of people, supplies, and money with him, but not enough to interfere in the affairs of a country.

“In the near future, there will be a banquet hosted by a representative of the Western Capital. The representative of the southern capital will also be there. I have arranged for you to attend. First, I'm going to have you see who they are."

"After that?"

"I will tell you the plan I have prepared for you when you return. I'm sure you'll like it."


Wayne did not answer immediately, but remained silent. His eyes looked straight at Agata. He was not so lukewarm that he was trying to see into the other's heart. His eyes were filled with a violent force of will to pry open Agata's heart.



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